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Time For A Little Recognition!


To find young men that share the same passion to work hard and do whatever it takes to accomplish the goal at hand is something not to be looked over. I’ve had the privilege of meeting 100’s of valet parkers throughout the industry. Some do it to help pay for college and others just to have some extra money to help pay bills. A successful Valet company is built not on an individual effort but as group that together works as a team. I have been fortunate over the years to have a group of young men that have bought into the team concept and have performed flawlessly, for that I thank all my valets for their hard work over the years. During all the years we have been in business there was one valet that not only was loyal but also shared the same passion to work hard and do whatever it takes to accomplish the overall goal. Dan Zamora has proved year after year how to lead by example. His “WORK HARD” mentality and positive attitude makes him one for others to want to follow. With our company growing and evolving year after year Dan Zamora has stepped up to be a leader within Five Star Valet. His detail to perfection with special events and managing the second largest museum in the world has made Dan an essential part to our success story. I truly LOVE this company and could never see myself doing anything but this. It was hard for me to allow Dan to take the lead and implement his own process on something that was so close to my heart. It took me some time but I believe in order to becoming the leader in the valet industry you have to trust in the individuals you put in charge. Dan Zamora is a leader!! I trust in the man and I’m proud to call him my Manager!

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